All items in stock      ​ Shipping in 24 hours

 Everything in stock                   Shipping within 24 hours                     Good customer support                    Fair prices

Hijskranen schaal 1:87

Op deze pagina vindt u alle schaalmodellen en miniaturen van hijskranen in ons assortiment. Wij leveren onder andere modellen van ROS en Conrad Modelle in schaal 1:87 en 1:50. Alle miniatuur hijskranen worden direct uit eigen voorraad geleverd en binnen 24 uur verzonden.


123.14 € 123.14 EUR

Everything in stock

All items in our range are available directly from our own stock. This means you never have to wait long for your order and you are assured of delivery. 

Fast shipping

All orders are always shipped within 24 hours. You can choose between shipping with PostNL or DHL. For customers near Venlo, pick-up (by appointment) is also possible. 

Secure payment

You can always pay for your order safely and quickly. We accept iDeal, PayPal and Creditcard. You can also pay by transfer to our bank account.